About Us
Frontier Education has changed its strategic direction to enter the Community Services (Aged Care Sector) in 2022, diversifying its training scope from the corporate training to domestic and international student training. We intend to form new partnerships with domestic & international industry and strengthen our relationships with Universities to offer pathways into higher education qualifications (Bachelor Degree) in Hospitality (Operations, Food & Beverages, Commercial Cookery), Travel & Tourism, Business & qualifications that contribute to Australia’s current and future skills requirements.
At Frontier Education, we continue to strive to make our mission a reality of delivering outstanding service to realise the potential of learner’s and improve the quality of life through dedication and excellence.
We are committed to providing high quality education beyond the barriers of culture and location with comprehensive support services to our clients nationally & internationally. Our passion and mission are to add value to our clients and industry partners by matching emerging industry trends and exceeding their expectations. Our highly qualified and committed team strives to achieve excellence in the field of vocational education and I am proud to be leading this team.
Thank you for considering Frontier Education to pursue your academic or professional or business goals. We welcome you to the family and hope that we can provide you with a positive and a rewarding experience at Frontier Education.
Our Values
- Flexible
- Adapt to the demands of our clients & industry
- Respect
- Be thoughtful, inclusive and open minded to all.
- Opportunity
- Promote equal opportunity irrespective age, race, gender or ethnicity
- Equity
- Recognise and conserve the intrinsic value of cultural diversity & human rights
- Neutrality
- Demonstrate impartial conduct in all personal & professional actions
- Tolerance
- Promote personal independence & freedom of choice
- Integrity
- Set a high level of moral & ethical standard in all aspects of personal & business activities
- Reliable
- Deliver the services as agreed and expected by clients & industry

Our Mission